
このプログラムは、アメリカ、ポートランドで生まれた Backyard Habitats をお手本にしています 。

その日本語翻訳サイト、https://backyardhabitatsjapan.jimdofree.com/は Backyard Habitats https://backyardhabitats.org/ に許可を得て作成しています。 







Backyard Habitats Certification Program started in Portland, USA.

The Japanese-translated website https://backyardhabitatsjapan.jimdofree.com/ has been granted permission to be translated into Japanese.


The Backyard Habitats Certification Program started in Portland, USA. This website has been granted permission to be translated into Japanese

We would like to share the idea of the Backyard Habitats Certification Program with people who are interested. We understand that the same methods cannot be applied in our country due to Japan and Oregon's differences in climate, plants, and animals. Even so, we believe we all can work together to make every individual's home garden or yard a comfortable place for wildlife. 


We decided to introduce this program to Japan, hoping to contribute to the transformation of urban areas in the community where a natural ecosystem can be maintained. We are looking forward to meeting people who are willing to support this program and work together. 




冨田ちなみ TOMITA, Chinami 



2018年春にポートランドを訪れた際「Backyard Habitats」に出会いました。

ポートランドの住宅地の庭先には、様々なサインがあげられています。その中で「Certified Backyard Habitat」(バックヤードハビタットに参加してます)「bee friendly」(蜂に優しい庭づくりをしています)「pesticide free zone」(農薬は使っていません)など、どんな庭づくりをしているのかを表明するサインをたくさん見つけました。そんな気持ちで我が家の庭を育てているよという意思表示そして、あなたもそうしない?と呼びかけているようでした。



まずは日本に紹介することから始めましたが、日本版の「バックヤードハビタット」を「いのちのめぐる庭づくり 認定プログラム」として育てていくことにしました。「あ、いいな」そう感じてもらえたなら、ぜひ一緒に取り組む仲間になってください。



When I visited Portland in the spring of 2018, I first encountered Backyard Habitats.


In Portland's residential area, I noticed many houses displayed signs with messages such as, "bee friendly," "pesticide free zone," and "Certified Backyard Habitat."  Those signs seemed to say: “we are nurturing our garden with great care and a love for the earth. Why don’t you do that?”


Birds, ladybugs, and mantises living in each house's gardens connect and enrich the environment. People often feel more comfortable when surrounded by an ecologically balanced environment than by concrete walls or buildings.


I think this program can easily convey that idea, and I also believe that small, powerful actions, such as developing a truly balanced garden, can contribute to a healthy ecosystem.


We started  the Japanese version of this certification program, dubbed Inochi no Meguru Niwa Tsukuri Certification Program (lit. "Create a Garden with a Healthy Ecosystem"), to share the concept started by Backyard Habitats. If you are interested, please join us. 


松本理恵子  MATSUMOTO, Rieko(ReECO)   https://www.ecola123.com/                      https://loveecofuroshiki.jimdofree.com/

冨田ちなみさんと、「パーマカルチャー関西」(https://percul-k.jimdofree.com/)の菜園講座で出逢い、ペアを組んで学びました。そのご縁が続く中で、ポートランドの視察を彼女に提案したところ、「Backyard Habitats」の素晴らしい取り組みのお話を、お土産に持って帰ってきてくださいました。



一人ひとりが自身の庭に取り組むことによって健康な庭が増え、地域全体へとつながる ”豊かな生態系のパッチワーク” を描くことができて、ワクワクしてきました。


日本にもこの活動を紹介し、共感してくださる方たちと共に、このプログラムをローカライズしていきたい、という想いが湧き、私たちは、「Backyard Habitats」へ翻訳の許可を請うメールを送りました。ほどなく快諾を得ることができ、こうやって、皆様にご紹介できる運びとなりました。







Chinami and I both took a permaculture course.  After encouraging her to visit Portland, she returned with amazing concepts and ideas from the Backyard Habitats Certification Program.


This program inspired me, as I thought restructuring my own gardens using native plants could contribute greatly to a sustainable ecosystem, and also delight the bees and birds!

Moreover, if many people try this program in their own gardens, we can establish an ecological patchwork, leading to a healthy transformation of the community.


As we wanted to introduce this program to Japan, we sent an email to Backyard Habitats in Portland asking for their permission to translate the program into Japanese. Soon after, we got their approval and are now able to bring this wonderful program to our shores.


Let’s make our own garden a part of a healthy ecosystem!

Let’s connect with thriving gardens/yards nearby and create an ecologically balanced neighborhood!

Join us on our Facebook group page. Anybody who is interested is always welcome! I’m dreaming of creating a patchwork of beautiful gardens and yards throughout Japan that can help preserve the ecosystem.